The 6 Dieter Syndromes That Will Keep You From Maintaining Your Ideal Weight
Quick Fix – this syndrome hijacks your wishful thinking to have you believe that you can lose 40 pounds in 40 days, or some other promise. Not sustainable!
Perspective shift: Commit to one healthy new habit that is doable and do it until it is entrenched. Then take on the next one. If you do that consistently, by the end of one year you will have made changes that will naturally promote your ideal weight.
All or Nothing -This is the one where you are gung-ho on a diet for a period of time and then when life happens and you find yourself indulging, you figured you just blew it and so you drop your diet altogether.
Perspective shift: Plan for indulgences. We all need them occasionally. Eat well 90% of the time and your body can handle 10% of your favorite pleasures.
Tunnel Vision – This is the counter’s syndrome of obsessing over one number, be it calories, grams of fat or points. It can work for a while as an education tool but you need to get past the obsession. Perspective shift: Pay attention to how your body feels when you eat. Which foods give you energy? Make you tired later? Cause digestive symptoms? How much do you need to be satisfied as opposed to full? Your body will give you clear messages if you listen.
Everyone But Me – Also known as the Martyr Syndrome, this one is common particularly amongst women who have time for everyone else’s needs but their own.
Perspective shift: Your need to be needed will be replaced by the self-respect that comes with committing to yourself. This will promote a more integral quality of service to others.
Not Now, But Later – You always have the goal of losing weight hanging over you but the time just never seems to be right. Watch out for this one – for every year you don’t lose weight, you are likely to put on more.
Perspective shift: Commit to your health rather than losing weight specifically. Take on one new healthy habit as above in the ‘Quick Fix’ perspective shift.
I should be Able to Do This – No one is good at every-thing. Keeping your body at your ideal weight is not your area of expertise but you think you should be able to do it without help.
Perspective shift: If this weight thing were simple you would have done it long ago. Consider that there are lots of factors involved and use an expert to help you as you would for other areas of your life.
As, we need to take a long-term view towards the care of your body. 95% of people who go on a diet will regain the weight they’ve lost within one to five years. Food Coach’s mission is to guide you towards a way of eating and relating to food and your body that you can practice for the rest of your life.